omg.. it has been like 9 months since i last updated.. that time i made a promise to update more.. and only 9 months later then i make another post.. where has all the time gone?? well most of it was sunk into world of warcraft.. i got another character to 60, and finally got my druid on Jubei Thos into a raiding guild, cleared MC, ZG, AQ20 and actually went to BWL.. well i didnt down the bosses in BWL with the guild, but the last i heard they are up to firemaw.. really really good progression for them.. sorry i cant raid with you all now, and all the best Celeritus! im quite sure you all will be in AQ40 and Naxx anytime now =)

that aside, moving to london to study is frankly speaking one of the best impulsive decisions that i have ever made, the other decision being in JC1 when i was lying in bed, and then suddenly decided: screw econs, im going to drop it to take biology. its funny how life can turn out this
way, that i manage to get into 03S75 almost entirely due to a single impulsive decision. if i hadnt made that decision, im pretty sure i wouldnt have found the good friends that i have today.

i have made many impulsive decisions, and these decisions have had many life-changing effects on me. i never know what the outcome might have been, i never know what causes me to make the decisions i make. all i know is i make those decisions, and i am always pleasantly surprised by the outcome, often in the far future. take my decision to come to imperial college, it wasnt made due to any particular reason, i just decided to come here because i couldnt be bothered to apply to US and Oxford / Cambridge, and imperial was pretty high up the list, so here i am. i am very much pleased to come to london, and i know for sure that i wouldnt be as happy in oxford / cambridge. living and studying in one of the greatest cities in the world is indeed an experience that one would never forget.

which reminds me of another impulsive decision.. that i would not want to do medicine. i know alot of ppl expected that i would do medicine, but after thinking about it in JC, i realised that it wasnt what i wanted. sure i like helping ppl (i heal in WoW lol) and stuff, but i wouldnt like to be pigeon-holed. reading medicine would mean im doomed to become a doctor, any other profession otherwise would be deemed a waste. it would also mean that i would be studying in singapore, another thing that i didnt want to. the world is large, singapore is just a tiny corner of it, i just had to go out and take a look at it for myself. my personality does not suit a person that goes out into the wide open world, but to do i want to improve myself, or do i want to be stuck in my comfort zone?

i took that step, and look at where i am now. *yay for me*


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